Widget that displays a time series of values for each referenced metric through a line, bar or step graph.
Under the widget tag, you can add multiple timeseries-graph elements (at least one) to group metrics by type and avoid a poor display of the Y scale. In case you have metrics with different scales (e.g. Temperature in degrees and Pressure in mBar) it is suggested to use different timeseries-graphs to display them correctly.
[DEPRECATED] Use the new Time Series Chart.
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Template Syntax
Below you can find some examples of how to use the component within a template.
<timeseries-widget [title]="'Temperature'" loadPeriod="PT1H" zoomPeriod="PT30M"> <timeseries-graph [categoryAxis]="{minPeriod:'ss'}" [graphs]="{lineThickness:2,lineAlpha: 1,fillAlphas: 0.5, lineColor:'#33B679'}" [chartScrollbar]="{scrollbarHeight: 50}"> <metric name="Temperature"></metric> </timeseries-graph> </timeseries-widget>
Component Reference
Here is a comprehensive list of all the elements and properties that can be used to configure the component.
Time Series Chart (OLD) <timeseries-widget> | |
CSS Class | The name(s) of the CSS class used to customize the widget layout. Type: STRING | Optional class="my-custom-class" |
Default Loading Period | The default date and time filtering period applied when entering the page. Type: ENUM | Optional | Values: TODAY YESTERDAY LAST_1_HOUR LAST_4_HOURS LAST_6_HOURS LAST_12_HOURS LAST_24_HOURS LAST_7_DAYS LAST_30_DAYS THIS_MONTH LAST_MONTH LAST_6_MONTHS LAST_12_MONTHS THIS_WEEK LAST_WEEK LAST_FULL_7_DAYS LAST_FULL_30_DAYS LAST_FULL_12_MONTHS defaultPeriodValue="LAST_7_DAYS" |
Export Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether the data export is enabled. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values: true false [exportEnabled]="true" |
Height | The height of the widget (e.g. 250px). Type: STRING | Optional height="250px" |
Load Period | The period of data loaded when the page is accessed (e.g. P7D, PT36H). The value is expressed using the ISO 8601 standard. Type: STRING | Optional loadPeriod="fooBar" |
Offline Filter | The JSON describing the line style when OFFLINE. Type: JSON | Optional [offlineFilter]="{foo: 'bar'}" |
Period Filter Enabled | The boolean flag indicating whether the embedded period filter is available. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values: true false [filterEnabled]="true" |
Period Variable | The id of the page's variable providing the date range filtering period, for instance the id of a <period-filter-field>. Type: STRING | Optional periodRef="period" |
Refresh Interval | The interval in milliseconds at which the widget updates data points; when specified, the real-time update channel is disabled. If the frequency of values is very high, to prevent the UI from flickering, it is suggested to set this attribute. Type: INTEGER | Optional | Default: 30000 [refreshIntervalMillis]="123" |
Show Connection Status | The flag indicating whether the chart must show valuea ccording to the thing connection status. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values: true false [showConnectionStatus]="true" |
Title | The title displayed on the top part of the widget box. Type: STRING | Optional [title]="'Details'" |
Trim Data | The flag indicating whether loaded data must be trimmed. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values: true false [trimData]="true" |
Visibility Condition | The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element. Type: STRING | Optional *ngIf="getUser().organizationId != null" |
Width | The width of the widget (e.g. 500px). Type: STRING | Optional width="500px" |
Zoom Period | The period of data initially displayed when entering the page (e.g. PT24H), must be less than the Load Period. The value is expressed using the ISO 8601 standard. Type: STRING | Optional zoomPeriod="fooBar" |
End Date Variable | The <period-field>'s End Variable filtering data by end date. Type: STRING | Optional endDateFieldRef="toDate" [DEPRECATED] Use the Period Variable property. |
Start Date Variable | The <period-field>'s Start Variable filtering data by start date. Type: STRING | Optional startDateFieldRef="fromDate" [DEPRECATED] Use the Period Variable property instead. |
Timeseries Graph | The subgraph defining a set of metrics to be displayed. Multiple | Required <timeseries-graph></timeseries-graph> |
Timeseries Graph <timeseries-graph> | |
Category Axis | A JSON describing the X-axis behavior and rendering, for more details see the AmChart - Category Axis documentation. Type: JSON | Optional [categoryAxis]="{foo: 'bar'}" |
Chart Scrollbar | A JSON describing the behavior and rendering of the zoom scrollbar, for more details see the AmChart - Scrollbar documentation. Type: JSON | Optional [chartScrollbar]="{foo: 'bar'}" |
Graphs | A JSON array describing how each metric must be displayed, for more details see the AmChart - Charts documentation. Type: JSON | Optional [graphs]="{foo: 'bar'}" |
Height | The height of the widget (e.g. 250px). Type: STRING | Optional height="250px" |
Legend | A JSON describing how to render the graph legend, for more details see the AmChart - Legend documentation. Type: JSON | Optional [legend]="{foo: 'bar'}" |
Metric | The metric whose values must be displayed within the graph. Multiple | Required <metric name="Temperature"></metric> |
Metric <metric> | |
Chart Options | The JSON configuring how to display values within the diagram. Type: JSON | Optional [chartOptions]="{foo: 'bar'}" |
Check For Update Period | The period of data to check for updates (e.g. P7D, PT36H). The value is expressed using the ISO 8601 standard. Type: STRING | Optional checkForUpdatePeriod="fooBar" |
Filled | The flag indicating whether to add virtual points in case of misalligned time series. Type: BOOLEAN | Optional | Values: true false [filled]="true" |
Filter | The name of the filter used to transform and display values. Type: FILTER | Optional filter="fooBarFilter" |
Icon | The Font Awesome icon name to be displayed within chart balloons (eg. fa-thermometer). Type: STRING | Optional icon="fas fa-thermometer" |
Label | The metric alternative label. Type: STRING | Optional label="Temperature" |
Name | The metric whose value(s) must be loaded by the widget. Type: METRIC | Required name="Temperature" |
Unit | The unit of measurement to be displayed along the value. Type: STRING | Optional unit="°C" |
Visibility Condition | The expression that allows you to reduce the visibility of the element. Type: STRING | Optional *ngIf="getUser().organizationId != null" |
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