New page control bar
The page controls (Export PDF, Edit, Back) have been moved to the new page control bar placed in the top right corner of the page. Moreover, for each page, you can define a template in which to place additional page controls, for instance, the period selection field, the search field, or others as you prefer.
Search-field component
A new control component can be used within pages to search for any type of entity (e.g., customer, place, thing). So, you can define a global search to be preserved across navigated pages.
Details widgets with alternate rows
Different layouts are now available for detail widgets: in addition to a simple table, alternate rows can be used to highlight in different manners the header and the relative value of each data item displayed.
Element horizontal sizing
Within the visual editor, you can quickly define how each component must horizontally fill the page.
Switch buttons for booleans
Every place where a boolean value can be selected (e.g. option, parameter, preference), instead of just a checkbox, a switch is now present, giving users a clearer experience, also on mobile devices.
Alert details template
In order to provide your users with more details about a problem that has occurred on a machine, you can specify a template to associate with each alert definition. Within the alert list, an icon can be clicked to open the related details as a popup or a dedicated page.
Bug fixes
- Improved thing map widget loading with many markers.
- Added missing classes to gauge widget elements required to customize the look and feel.
- Fixed selection field based on multiple properties in the advanced search dialog.
- Fixed reCaptcha challenge not visible in some cases.
- Fixed the problem causing users to receive notifications even if suspended.
- Fixed user list not sortable by user-type column.
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