February 24, 2022
UI Profiles configuration
Now you can redefine the entire user interface for each type of user registered in the tenant. With the new UI / Profiles configuration page, you can focus on each user type at a time and define tailored pages, menus, and content.
For instance, you can define what the technicians will see in the sidebar and into every single page, now also with multiple tabs.
Gauge widget on multiple products
You can place a gauge widget into a top-level page such as the Overview, Customer / Location Details page, and also specify the aggregation of values (Min, Max, Avg, Delta). In this way, you can display aggregated metric information even filtered out on different products, for instance, you can display the total number of pieces produced into a certain period by a set of machines.
Execute command action
Into a thing-definition rule, you can define an action to execute a specific command on the connected product. This can be used to implement a back-action mechanism in case a certain event occurs on the product, for instance, turning off the machine when the water level is too low.
Thing grid widget with custom order
You can now sort elements into the thing-grid-widget by using custom criteria, for instance, by a specific thing-definition property and thing name.
Account self-registration options
You can now specify whether the user self-registration is enabled or not, and also specify which are the customer types selectable into the self-registration form.
Minor bugs fix
- Resizing the window, the sidebar menu overlaps the page content.
- Incomplete payment flow with Stripe and 3ds2 authorization.
- Wrong Administration/Alerts page visibility.
February 10, 2022
Thing Count statistic with conditions
It is now possible to specify conditions on the thingCount statistic, this can be used, for example, when you need to display the number of products with certain features, or when defining a new customer/location level property updated with the number of underlying products.
Messages editing page
Within the new Messages administration page, you can configure in one place all the messages Servitly sends to users, including account management emails and other notifications.
Minor bugs fix
- The alertCounts statistic does not take into account the deprecated failure severity.
- The alertCountByAlertDefinition statistic returns null category values.
- Wrong scrollbar legend in the Yamazumi widget.
- Wrong property labels in things advanced search.
- Unable to clear an automatic alert.
- Duration not included in alert CSV exports.
January 24, 2022
Work session notifications
Your users can now receive a notification whenever a work session begins or completes on connected products. Within the work session definition, you can edit the notification messages to send through the enabled notification channels.
Stripe taxes management
You can now configure your Stripe account to use Stripe taxes, this allows your business to sell services and goods in other countries respecting the local tax rate.
ThingCount property removed
The DEPRECATED and never documented thingCount property available on Customer and Location objects has been removed. In case you need to print out the number of things for a customer or location, please refer to the Deprecations article.
Minor bugs fix
- Advanced search opening slowdown in the presence of many customers.
- Command parameters editing issues.
- Unable to sort/filter things by thing-definition property.
- Unable to define multiple query conditions on the same property.
- Pdf reports page numbers overlapped by widgets.
- Swipe on the tab menu not working correctly.
- Login form buttons were misaligned with some screen resolutions. Note that, to fix this bug, the underlying HTML structure has been changed, this may cause custom CSS rules to no longer work
December 15, 2021
Tag products from thing-list
Now you can tag products directly from the thing list widget, through checkboxes you can select multiple products from the list and then tag them all in one click. Also, if needed, customer users can create new tags on the fly without losing their selection.
Customer and partner reports
For customers and partners, you can now define PDF reports that are periodically computed and sent by email to each customer or partner.
Algorithm metrics debugging
The algorithm metric definition has been improved by adding a button that allows downloading the algorithm inputs. In this way, you can develop your algorithms with your favorite tools locally.
Moreover, you can now use the print function to display debug messages into the console.
Work Session Dashboard
On each work-session definition, you can now associate a template providing the details of the work session. Widgets placed within such a template are automatically bound to the start and end timestamp of the work session. For instance, a time-series widget will display only the data collected during the work-session execution.
Table Widget
You can now visualize the output of a statistic in a simple table for immediate and easier reading. In this way, you can create even richer and more valuable data analysis pages for your users.
Firmware MD5
For firmware with an external download URL, you can now specify the MD5 value which is sent as a parameter along with the URL when a firmware update is performed.
Partner code automatic generation
If not provided during the creation of a new partner the code is automatically generated.
Update to Angular 12
All the front-end libraries based on Angular have been updated to version 12.
Minor bugs fix
- Unable to sort or filter things by thing-definition.
- Missing d3 exception logged.
- Unable to create things with file properties.
- The main sidebar overlaps page content with certain screen resolutions.
- Mandatory username and password registering connection tokens.
- Unable to define multiple query conditions on the same property.
- Data export discards composite-part properties.
- Double scroll bar in the thing list with checkboxes.
November 19, 2021
Discard invalid metric values
On a simple metric, you can now specify whether to discard values that are out of range. In this way, wrong values are not collected, avoiding unexpected behaviors, like alerts and rules triggering or wrong widget visualization (e.g. spikes on time-series diagram).
Things Filter field
Within your overview or analytics pages, you can use the new Things Filter field, which allows you to select multiple things and use them to automatically compute the content on the other page widgets.
Singleton mobile access
On Mobile API Keys you can restrict the access to only one mobile device per logged-in user, in this way when a user performs the login from a mobile device, he is automatically logged out from other mobile devices. Push notifications will also be turned off on the devices where the automatic logged-out occurs.
Move thing to another location
You can now move a thing to another location, within the thing editing page, a new button allows selecting the Customer (only for Organization and Partner users) and the target Location where the thing must be moved to.
Action Group List widget
A new widget groups the user's actions by action type and displays groups as a list. In this way, users can easily see what actions they need to take.
Search things by service level
The advanced search panel on the thing list widget now allows you to search things with one or more associated service levels.
Algorithm metric improvements
Within an algorithm metric now you can use as inputs other location metrics, and moreover, you can select the sampling period of one year.
Alert statistics on customer and location level
You can now define customer and location properties that are bound to alert statistics. In this way, you can enrich customers and locations with additional information (e.g. number of failures of the past 30 days) that you can use to do analysis.
Minor bugs fix
- Unexpected reCaptcha error.
- New push notification overrides the toast of the last received one.
- Wrong mandatory country error creating location.
- Get all things API not supporting conditions.
- Connection Status metric configuration not clear.
- Thing list v2 widget cannot be filtered by thingDefinitionId.
- Total SMS not computed in billing page.
- Value of location metrics stored with the wrong data type.
October 14, 2021
Google Home plugin
With the new Google Home plugin, you can now connect your products to Google Assistant with just a few simple clicks.
Your customers will be able to interact with the installed products via voice commands to get status information or execute commands.
For instance: Hey Google, set the thermostat to 21 degrees.

End users can now be notified if there are actions to be performed to keep using their products while preserving the outcome quality and operating performance.
You can define Actions that are activated by events (e.g. alert activation) and remain visible to end users, as a reminder, until someone completes or discards them.
The availability of this feature depends on your subscription plan.

Location alerts definition
Leveraging the algorithm metrics, you can now define alerts also on location level.
In this way, in case of plant-level problems involving multiple products, you can inform your end-user through notifications.

Connection status not listening on specific paths
Within the Connection Status metric, you can now specify paths that must be excluded from the online/offline status update.
This allows updating the connection status only when a metric is published by the connected product, discarding metrics incoming from third-party systems.

Custom domain management
Now when configuring a custom domain, you can also upload your domain certificate, avoiding the need to manage on your side a reverse proxy server.
The availability of this feature depends on your subscription plan.
Minor bugs fix
Unexpected user login request.
New customer takes to much time to appear in customer-list-widget once created.
Missing acknowledged user in historical alerts.
Manual alert takes too much time before its activation.
Balloon issue on time-series widget.
The alertCount statistic does not consider the context in custom pages.
Location list not sortable nor searchable by customer name.
September 6, 2021
Customer and location statistics
You can now use the customer and location count statistics to display more valuable information about your customer base, supporting also grouping by property and conditions.
For instance, you can display the number of customers by country.

Enabling alerts by period
It is now possible to enable alerts for a specific period, this can be used to control specific alerts based on a season.
For example, heating systems are typically turned off during the summer, so some alerts may be disabled during this period.

Gauge widget improvements
You can now place the Gauge widget outside the product dashboard and use it to display statistical values, while also supporting new layouts mode.

Volatile metrics
A new type of metric, called Volatile, allows you to load data on demand from an external data source, such as an InfluxDB database.
In this way, you can help technicians with maintenance and diagnostic tasks by allowing them to load data with finer granularity than is normally sent to Servitly.
Last access time on partners and customers
Partner, customer, and location objects have been enriched with the timestamp of the last access performed by a user.
This helps you to analyze how often your customers or partners are entering the application.
User notification preferences edited by backoffice users
Now you can control the notification preferences of your customers and in case change the preferences on their behalf.
For example, you can enable/disable notifications for a particular event and channel.
Minor bugs fix
Unable to access with a custom domain and third-party cookie disabled.
Thing-definition tree missing search.
Unable to clear thing definition description.
Unexpected error creating locations.
Unexpected margins in generated PDF reports.
Counters with reset are not aware of the timezone.
Favicon loading time is too high.
Page content translated of 1px when clicking on list rows or tabs.
July 28, 2021
Algorithm-based metrics
It is now possible to define metrics whose value is calculated periodically using a Python script.
This makes it possible to run complex algorithms, which, using data from connected products, allow you to calculate, for example, indicators of the health status of even an entire plant.

Template inclusion
It is now possible within a template to include another template, facilitating the reuse of common parts within complex dashboard templates.
Maintenance registry on location level
Maintenance technicians can now enter their maintenance notes at the plant level as well.
Mandatory and unique properties
Properties can now be marked as unique or mandatory, improving customer base management.
Minor bugs fix
Properties with selection mode show values instead of labels in UI.
Invalid partner to location authorization after partner deletion.
Wrong UI in the configuration-parameter mapping tab.
Location properties are not searchable in location-list-v2.
Configuration parameters loading optimization.
June 29, 2021
New dashboard configuration
Dashboard configuration has been revised allowing easier definition of reusable dashboards and templates.
Thing grid widget
A new widget allows you to display in a dynamic grid a specific template for each underlying product. This allows you to provide, for example, a status snapshot of the plant and its connected products.
Configuration parameters update on offline products
Within a configuration parameter, you can now define whether to resend the last value when the product connects to the cloud. This allows products that are not always online to receive the configuration parameter values.
New things update API
It is now possible to update a thing by using the PATCH method, this allows you to update only the desired fields while discarding unmodified ones.
Minor bugs fix
Missing automatic reports generation for location users.
Work-session-list-widget wrong visualization on mobile.
Sidebar menu scrollbar is not displayed during the first application loading.
Wrong LONG value decoding for Uniqloud payloads.
May 24, 2021
Thing definition extension
Now the product definition can inherit properties, metrics, parameters, commands, and alerts from another definition.
This allows you to organize product definitions in series and create new versions of a product, inheriting common elements and defining only what is new.
Update to Admin LTE 3
The Admin LTE graphics library, the Servitly UI is based on, has been updated from version 2.3 to version 3, and the Bootstrap CSS framework has also been updated from version 3 to version 4.
This allows you to provide a web application with an even more modern and easy-to-use user interface.
Service purchase with backoffice approval
The process of purchasing goods or services can now be integrated with backoffice approval.
This makes it possible, for example, to manage payments through external systems that require a payment check from the supplier.
Paginated customer and partner lists
To accommodate business growth, the customers and partners lists are now paginated. This allows data to be accessed faster and more targeted through the search.
Import customer and locations from CSV
Customer and location lists have been enhanced with the Import from CSV feature, allowing backoffice users to easily update the customer base.
CSV export on all lists
All the lists have been enhanced with the Export to CSV feature, allowing backoffice users to extract data and do their analysis with third-party tools.
Main page templates editing
Main page templates can now be configured directly within the administration panel.
This allows redefining the content of the main and detail pages.
Minor bugs fix
Slow loading of historical alerts.
Missing Is Empty and Is Not Empty predicates on DATE property within advanced search.
Gauge with N/A wrong behavior.
Missing icons within the appearance editing page.
Wrong order icon in list header columns based on a composite part.
April 14, 2021
N/A value when offline
If the product is offline, it is possible to print the N/A value instead of the last value received by the metrics.
Azure Service Bus with queue support
The Azure Service Bus mapping has been enriched with the Queue name, allowing data listening on a specific queue.
Firmware with custom URL
Within a firmware, you can specify a custom URL where to download the package. This allows firmware packages to be stored on a proprietary server.
Properties value select with labels
Properties with value selection now can be configured with a list of value and localizable label pairs.
Minor bugs fix
Alert Count by Alert Type not aware of the context
Timeseries with showConnectionStatus causes the browser to slow down
Import thing from CSV requires mandatory assetId
Unable to deactivate things
March 22, 2021
Partner custom appearance
The appearance (e.g. logos, CSS, labels) can be redefined for each partner, allowing customers to access the application branded with the partner’s visual identity and custom domain URL.
Activated alert count statistic
The new activatedAlertCount statistic has been added, allowing to count the number of alerts activated in a certain period.
As-a-service REST API
Servitly REST API can be now offered to third-party users by providing them with a dedicated API Key and specific limitations (e.g. requests-per-month, permissions). This allows the manufacturer to offer as-a-service API access to its most demanding customers and partners.
Advanced search with new conditions predicates
The advanced search panel has been enriched with new predicates (e.g. starts with, contains, etc.) allowing the backoffice to find the customers' products more efficiently.
Additive selection on the geolocated map
The geolocated map widget allows now to trace multiple selection areas simplifying the selection of products spread on the territory.
Inherited connection status
In the presence of a thing-definition hierarchy, it is possible to specify whether the connection status is standalone computed on the sub-things or inherited from the parent things.
Minor bugs fix
Wrong troubleshooting alerts sorting
Work session statistics slow computation
Missing alerts localizations
Wrong preselection and update indicator displayed on configuration-parameters
Wring alert count for partner and sub-organizations
February 24, 2021
SIM management
Leveraging the Vodafone GDSP plugin it is now possible to automatically manage the SIM status according to the product cloud status. This simplifies the life-cycle management of GSM-connected products.
Property to configuration-parameter deferred synchronization
In case a configuration parameter is synchronized with a property, you can now specify whether the remote update should be performed asynchronously to the property update.
Firmware management improvements
Firmware can be now versioned and marked as mandatory. This allows the manufacturer to register multiple firmware versions and perform a rollback to a previous version in case of update problems.
Tagging limitations
Tagging can be now activated for each thing-definition and optionally can be limited to only one tag per product.
Delta metric with only positive values
The delta metric now can force values to be greater or equals to zero, allowing the management of counters which are periodically reset.
Infobip localizable parameters
It is now possible to redefine Infobip parameters within the single Alert Definition, also specifying the translation in different languages. This allows better support to customers in case of failures in using the product.
Minor bugs fix
Bulk updates are not correctly loaded by the bulk-update widget.
Incomplete hierarchy sending a broadcast message for a parent-thing bulk update.
Timestamps are displayed in UTC instead of considering the timezone.
Cookies policy information message not localizable.
February 8, 2021
Product connection mapping improvements
The connection mapping can be configured by using randomly generated asset-ids, to simplifies the registration and management of hierarchy-based products (e.g. mesh networks). Moreover, the connection configuration UI displays the full path a product is mapped on, helping technicians in installation activities.
User preferred language
Users can now specify the preferred language accessing the application. This allows support teams, for instance, to display the application in the same way as the customer.
Unit of measure on properties
Properties definition now allows defining the unit of measure to be displayed along with the property value. This simplifies dashboards' configuration and enhances the user experience in data comprehension.
Minor bugs fix
A null value is returned instead of an empty string when using a composite-part filter.
Wrong double quotes escaping on recipe export.
Bulk-update-widget UI usability issues.
January 25, 2021
Variables definition
The thing-definition now supports the configuration of variables allowing to compute complex values on demand that can be used to evaluate alerts or within notifications in order to provide the user with more detailed information.
Properties bulk update
It is now possible to perform a bulk update of products' properties like tags and parent-things. This simplifies the management of a large number of connected products spread throughout the territory.
Broadcast update messages
In the presence of a hierarchy of products (e.g. mesh network), the bulk update messages are sent in a broadcast way to the root products, including also the information about the affected descendants. This reduces the network traffic and the number of sent messages in case of a large number of products to be updated.
Export excel with friendly column names
The data export in excel format now supports the localization of column names, allowing users to read data more clearly in their language.
IoT connector dynamic mapping
The IoT connector mapping, on connected products, now supports a set of predefined placeholders, that can be used to define mapping which is automatically updated when the parent product hierarchy changes. This simplifies, for instance, the management of connected products belonging to a mesh network. Moreover, within a thing-definition, it is now possible to specify the default mapping (asset-id and path) to use when a new product is registered the first time within the system.
Tabs-widget with inline contents
The tabs widget now supports inline content definition without using a specific template for each tab. This allows configuring complex dashboard tabs more quickly and promotes the reuse of commons templates.
Bulk tags clearing
The bulk tagging feature has been extended allowing to clear all the tags associated with the selected products.
Minor bugs fix
Multiple period fields conflict.
Pie-chart widget with multiple metrics not working properly.
Wrong label in configurable searching fields dialog.
The visual editor (BETA) not working properly.
Wrong coloring of stacked bar-chart when using statistics with multiple group-by conditions.
December 14, 2020
Statistics with multiple aggregations
Statistics for alerts and work sessions now support multiple aggregations. For instance, this allows analyzing productivity through a stacked bar chart with the executed work-session count by type and day.
Advanced search on thing list
The new thing-list widget has been enriched with the advanced search allowing backoffice users to easily look up the connected products. Moreover, each user can configure its custom search criteria by adding new fields within the advanced search panel.
Minor bugs fix
Alert count statistic does not consider still active alerts.
Wrong layout in advanced search in thing map widget with narrow screens.
Wrong layout in thing-list v2 with mobile app.
Show password button not working on Firefox.
Wrong data trimming on time-series widget.
November 30, 2020
Payments with 3D Secure
According to the PSD2 directive, payments will support strong customer authentication (SCA) based on the 3D-secure mechanism. This enforces the security for on-time and recurring payments made through Stripe with credit cards.
Subscriptions management API change
The subscriptions management API has been changed to cover new attributes required by the 3D Secure payment management.
The old API version will keep working until June 2021, for more details refer to the Deprecation page.
Counter metric reset by condition
A counter metric can now be configured with a condition resetting the counter value. For instance, maintenance counters can be automatically reset by the remote product.
New email placeholders
A new set of placeholders can be used within emails to improve the notifications relative to alerting and account lifecycle.
Minor bugs fix
Alerts not updated on thing reactivation.
November 10, 2020
Searching in thing map widget
The thing map widget has been enriched with searching capabilities. This allows users with visibility on geographically spread things to perform searching and filter out markers.
Remote product self-synchronization
Configuration parameters can be associated with product properties. When a property is updated, the relative configuration parameter is sent to the remote product with the new property value. In this way, it is possible to keep automatically synchronized the digital product with the physical one.
Free service plan
It is now possible to mark a service plan as free. In this way, when a subscription is not renewed, the associated service plan is automatically downgraded to the free one.
Subscriptions management
The Subscriptions management tab of a connected product has been reviewed allowing management of subscriptions for service level and services by the backoffice users.
Privacy and terms acceptance
According to the GDPR, the personal password provisioning page has been enriched with the acceptance of the privacy policy and terms of service.
Minor bugs fix
Useless full redraw of time-series widget on real-time update.
October 22, 2020
Properties based on statistics
Properties can be periodically updated with the value of one of the predefined statistics. This permits sorting, searching for elements, or highlighting elements by the associated statistic value.
Thing count statistic
The new thingCount statistic allows computing on demand the number of descendant things for a certain parent.
API rate limit by API Key
Each API key can be configured with its call rate limit, allowing to give API access also to customers without affecting the overall system API call rate limit. In this way, each customer will have its limit to call the REST API.
Labels and translations management
A new administration page allows configuring labels and translations for various languages. This allows the system administrators to update translations through a user interface and not only through Excel files exchange.
Advanced sorting criteria on thing list
The thing list widget now allows defining multiple sorting criteria that can be used on a column whose values are composed of several properties.
Date-time transforming functions
A new set of functions allows to format and parse configuration parameter values of type date/time considering the local timezone. This allows users to exchange date/time values with remote things having limited internal clock management.
Minor bugs fix
Too many permissions are required by partner users to create a location.
Cart checkout page minor layout bugs.
October 12, 2020
Two-factor Authentication
Users can enable the two-factor authentication that requires an OTP (One Time Password) during the login. In this way, accounts security can be improved against illegal access threats.
Notification discarded for users who manually activate alerts
The user who has manually activated or cleared an alert will not receive the relative notification.
Minor bugs fix
Persistent cart icon with an empty cart.
Payment list widget is not correctly displayed on small screens.
Missing CSS style class for critical alerts.
Alert list loading too slow in the presence of many visible things.
September 28, 2020
Thing map widget layering
The thing-map widget has been improved with different layers highlighting markers depending on the Connection Status, Alert Status, or any other custom criteria.
Thing provider
It is now possible to configure a Thing provider which can be used to obtains things information by serial number during the thing activation process. This allows manufacturers to integrate the product life cycle managed by Servitly with the company's third-party software, without the need to pre-register products.
Partner provider
It is now possible to configure a Partner provider which can be used to obtains partner information directly from the company's third-party software. In this way, only authorized partners can perform the self-registration to the application.
Payments export button
The export button has been added to the list of payments. This allows administrators to process payments on a third-party system through a CSV file without using REST API.
Minor bugs fix
Bulk-update-status-widget is not aware of the page context.
Missing HTML sanitizing on paged thing-list-widget.
Missing get current customer function.
Unexpected login failure with custom domains.
Active alerts retrieval API too slow.
Components CSS not loaded when renewToken fails.
The composite part is not refreshed on property updates.
Thing-map-widget area selection tool minor issues.
September 17, 2020
Import things under a location
Perform a bulk import of a set of things under a specific location. In this way, location configuration can be easier in the case of many installed things.
Resend account invitation email
Under the user request, the account activation email can be sent again. Within the user editing page, a new button allows the backoffice to resend the invitation email in case of no access has been performed.
Customer custom tags
Customers can now define their custom tags which can be used to mark their things.
Parent Thing Definition
Within a thing-definition it is now possible to specify its parent thing-definition creating in this way a hierarchy that is reflected on the installed things. This can be used to manage complex things that can be subdivided into several sub-things like Controllers and Peripherals or Parts.
Recipe editing by customer
Customers can now edit their recipes and share them among all their things.
Timezone with POSIX format
The MQTT request for obtaining the thing details has been enriched with the timezone also in POSIX format.
Microsoft Azure Active Directory plugin
The Microsoft Azure Active Directory has been integrated as a new plugin. This allows the manufacturer to exchange data with the company Azure account in an authenticated and secure way.
Minor bugs fix
Voice notification is not supported on the Contacts property type.
Firmware update URL too long.
Notifications are not sent to guest users.
Editing pages minor bugs.
Improved bulk update usability.
Historical work-sessions retrieval is too slow.
Page blocked with Auto scrolling time-series when open for a long time.
August 13, 2020
Sell services to your customers
Within the catalog is now possible to define services the customer can purchase, or subscribe to. Services can be categorized and associated with the customer’s company (e.g. training, support) or with a specific product (e.g. service plans, maintenance).
Get product details through MQTT
A new set of special MQTT messages can be exchanged with the cloud to let the product retrieve information about itself, the parent Location, the Customer, and the associated Partner. This allows the manufacturer to improve the customer-product experience with more helpful information.
Product factory reset on customer deletion
In case a product has been activated through a connection-token a factory reset is performed when the parent customer is deleted. This avoids re-entering product data in case of new activation.
Minor bugs fix
Renew JWT token failure causes unexpected logouts.
Connection timeout downloading the firmware update package.
Buyer email not preloaded within the Stripe payment page.
July 28, 2020
Customer bulk import
Import your customer data through a CSV file. This allows back-office users to easily import or update customers' data in a bulk way.
Customer code property
Customers have been enriched with the new CODE property, automatically pre-set, that can be used to identify a customer within the third-party integrated software.
Infobip SMS notifications
The Infobip plugin now permits to notify end-users through SMS in case of an alert occurs.
Minor bugs fix
Unable to retrieve within a filter the start and end timestamps of historical work-session.
Missing localized labels within Yamazumi widget.
Missing loading spinner within the payment list.
July 14, 2020
Alert statistics
A new set of predefined statistics allows getting historical alerts counting according to the provided filters. This allows the manufacturer to keep under control the alerts occurrences.
New REST API endpoints
A new set of endpoints has been added to the REST API allowing third-party software to retrieve the filtered and sorted list of Organizations, Customers, Things, and Users. Check out the REST API page for more details.
Clustered EDC support
The Everyware Cloud connector has been improved by supporting the presence of a clustered configuration. In this way the IoT connector can deal with an auto-scaling EDC environment transparently.
Data export limitations updated
The limit fixed to a maximum of 20 exportable metrics per thing-definition has been removed from the bulk data export plan configuration.
Minor bugs fix
Selection fields not preloaded on Chrome v83.
Unexpected reCaptcha challenge request during login.
Alert count by alert-type wrong computation.
Wrong payment list initial sorting.
Default cookie policy not visible on IE.
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