Transform and displays date and time values in different ways and formats.
This filter and its variants can be applied to metrics and properties of type DATE, INTEGER, LONG or FLOAT.
Depending on the variant options, the underlying numeric value is converted to a date or period and then formatted as desired.
Filter Variants
The set of predefined filter variants that can be used to format values.
millisToTimePeriod2 | |
Converts the time in millis to a formatted duration expressed in hours and minutes. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
7593000 → 2:06 null or "" → "-" |
millisToTimePeriod | |
Converts the time in millis to a formatted duration expressed in hours, minutes and seconds. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
7593000 → 2:06:33 null or "" → "-" |
millisToPeriod | |
Converts the milliseconds to a formatted duration. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
109980000 → 2d 6h 33m null or "" → "-" |
millisToRelativePeriodNoSuffix | |
Converts the past time in millis to a relative formatted period. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1614519061000 → 6 months null or "" → "-" |
millisToRelativePeriod | |
Converts the past time in millis to a relative formatted period. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1614519061000 → 6 months ago null or "" → "-" |
millisToDateTimeOrShortPeriod | |
Converts the milliseconds to a localized date and time or to a period in the case of less than 24 hours. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
now - 6h → 6 hours ago. 1526898865000 → May 21, 2018 10:34:25. null or "" → "" |
millisToDateOrShortPeriod | |
Converts the milliseconds to a localized date or to a period in the case of less than 30 days. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
now - 6d → 6 days ago. 1526898865000 → May 21, 2018. null or "" → "" |
millisToDays | |
Converts the milliseconds to days. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: INTEGER |
86400000 → 2 null or "" → 0 |
millisToTimeUnits | |
Converts the milliseconds to period displayed in a table with units as headers. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: HTML |
273666000 → Days 3 | Hours 4 | Minutes 1 null or "" → "-" |
millisToTime2 | |
Converts the milliseconds to a formatted time. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1526898865000 → 10:34 null or "" → "" |
millisToTime | |
Converts the milliseconds to a formatted time. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1526898865000 → 10:34:25 null or "" → "" |
millisToHours4 | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours with unit, returning "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400000 → 34 h null or "" → 0 h |
millisToHours3 | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours with unit, returning "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400000 → 34 hours null or "" → 0 hours |
millisToHours3Relative | |
Computes the difference in millis between the given UTC time and now, and returns the number of elapsed hours with unit, returns "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400000 → 34 hours null or "" → 0 hours |
millisToHours | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours, returns "-" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400000 → 34 null or "" → "-" |
millisToHoursNotApproximate | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours, returns "-" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400000 → 34.5 null or "" → "-" |
millisToHours2 | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours, returns "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: INTEGER |
122400000 → 34 null or "" → 0 |
millisToHours2Relative | |
Computes the difference in millis between the given UTC time and now, and returns the number of elapsed hours, returns "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: INTEGER |
122400000 → 34 null or "" → 0 |
millisToHoursNotApproximate3 | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours with unit, returning "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122460000 → 34.5 hours null or "" → 0 hours |
millisToHoursNotApproximate2 | |
Converts the milliseconds to hours, returns "0" as default. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: FLOAT |
122400000 → 34.5 null or "" → 0 |
hoursToTimeUnits | |
Converts the time in hours to period displayed in a table with units as headers. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: HTML |
76.02 → Days 3 | Hours 4 | Minutes 1 null or "" → "-" |
millisToMinutes | |
Converts the milliseconds to minutes. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: INTEGER |
122400 → 2 null or "" → 0 |
millisToMinutesNotApproximate | |
Converts the milliseconds to minutes. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: FLOAT |
122400 → 2.22 null or "" → 0 |
millisToDate2 | |
Converts the milliseconds to a localized date. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1619628734000 → May 21, 2018 null or "" → "" |
millisToSeconds | |
Converts the milliseconds to seconds. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: INTEGER |
122400 → 2 null or "" → 0 |
millisToSecondsNotApproximate | |
Converts the milliseconds to seconds. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: FLOAT |
122400 → 2.22 null or "" → 0 |
secondsToPeriod | |
Converts the time in seconds to a formatted duration. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
109980 → 2d 6h 33m null or "" → "-" |
secondsToHours3 | |
Converts the time in seconds to hours with unit. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400 → 34 h null or "" → 0 h |
secondsToHours2 | |
Converts the time in seconds to hours. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
122400 → 34 hours null or "" → 0 hours |
secondsToHours | |
Converts the time in seconds to hours without decimals. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: INTEGER |
122400 → 34 null or "" → 0 |
millisToDate | |
Converts the milliseconds to a localized date. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1526898865000 → 2018-05-21 null or "" → "" |
millisToDateTime | |
Converts the milliseconds to a localized date and time. Supported Input Types: INTEGER | NUMBER | DATE Output Type: STRING |
1526898865000 → 2018-05-21 10:34:25 null or "" → "" |
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