To notify DPS users of the occurrence of a particular Event, you can leverage the concept of alert.
From the Involvement / Alerts page, you can define which events are to be notified through alerts and to which users.
To add a new Alert, you should click the Add Alert button, then select an Event (without defined alerts), and finally, select the target recipients user-types to be notified.
Note that, at the moment, you can define ad maximum one alert per event.
Editing an Alert
By clicking on and Alert, you can edit the following information.
The list of target user types to be notified when the underlying event is triggered or terminated.
Activation Notification
This section allows defining the alert notification messages to be notified in case the event has been activated.
Once the status of an event is changed, users are informed in real-time through a notification by using the enabled channels (web, email, mobile push).
Servitly automatically notifies the registered users having visibility on the occurred alert, and optionally it is also possible to notify external contacts (email, SMS).
Within the notification Title, Short Message, and Long Message it is possible to use placeholders to include information about the thing, the event, and measures.
Clearing Notification
This section allows defining the alert notification messages to be notified in case the event has been cleared.
Once the status of an event is changed, users are informed in real-time through a notification by using the enabled channels (web, email, mobile push).
Servitly automatically notifies the registered users having visibility on the cleared alert, and optionally it is also possible to notify external contacts (email, SMS).
Within the notification Title, Short Message, and Long Message it is possible to use placeholders to include information about the thing, the event, and measures.
Notification Delay
You can specify the delay for executing the notification to the users; if the alert is automatically cleared before the notification delay, the notification is skipped.
Displaying Alerts
Other than be notified, alerts can also be displayed into lists which are automatically filtered according to the context and the Alerts a user should see.
- Active Alert List: the widget displaying the list of currently active alerts.
- Historical Alert List: the widget displaying the list of alerts that have been cleared.
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